After a very satisfying summer term, my contract with the John-F.-Kennedy Institute for American Studies at the Free University Berlin expired, and the gratifying feeling of being the first name on the History Department’s roster (see image above) unfortunately has to subside. Yet, life goes on, although (at least for me) possibly not the academic variant.
It was absolutely fabulous working with the staff at the History Department, with the people at the Graduate School for North American Studies (GSNAS), with the students in my seminar and with a lot of folks involved in conferences and workshops. Really a bliss, and a great input for my postdoctoral works as well.
Nevertheless, as a plan for further financing has changed, I’m out of the FU, and will venture into new territory, boldly going where no-one … well: not quite. As soon as something is coming up on that frontier, I will announce it here, without any further Star Trek-innuendos.