I should have done that earlier, but somehow I only found time to get to dig my nose into an archive again this year. And then different things came together, so that my trip to Ann Arbor, Michigan was quite rushed and rather poorly prepared.
Against the odds, though, my stay here is not only wonderful but also wonderfully productive: Michigan weather has played its best stay-in-and-get-your-ass-to-work-card (a card consisting of alternating snow, hail and rain with temperatures just above or below zero degrees Celsius to let you either soaked or frozen at the end of the day) and the library at UMich has lived up to the weather’s challenge with its almost round-the-clock schedule and great material onsite.
My main interest here is the famous Labadie Collection, and as all the staff and especially curator Julie Herrada are extremely helpful in pointing out the rich treasures of the archives, it is really amazing to crawl through boxes and boxes of stuff about US anarchists, their periodicals, connected social movements and whatnot.
Unfortunately, it’s only one more week until I have to leave my snug working space at the Labadie (pictured below) again. Hopefully to return soon.