The first post of the year 2025 is neither a retrospective of the last one nor a tracking of past activities (as I’ve done before) nor a bemoaning of the passing of shoes (which, incredibly, I’ve also done before) but another repetition as it seems that in my age that’s all there is.
In short, I’ve been interviewed again. Again it was about masks and protest, this time with a focus on masking in public places and the consequences thereof. As before, I’m not exactly happy how this played out, with the qualms I’ve had in the past instance coming up almost exactly the same in this one as well. Yet, I have to admit, I tried hard to stick to academic points and avoid boiling it down to quotidian examples, and that seems to have resulted in quotes and attributions which are a bit more scholarly than in the older interview. Seems that not everything is repetition; I might be able to still learn a new trick or two.
The article as such is quite good, covering different standpoints on the debate on masks and possible mask-banning. And that at one point I’m misidentified as a “professor” obviously tickles my pride; therefore I highly recommend to read the article, which appeared in the Cristian Science Monitor and is available free of charge here.