After the pandemic-induced break that started in 2020, I am quite happy that conferences are picking up speed again. It’s nice to be able to do some travelling, to present some findings in person and to meet some colleagues face-to-face again. One possibility this year was the annual conference of the German Association of Higher Education Research from 14-16 September. In spite of its title, the association decided on Vienna as the meeting’s venue, which meant that almost half of my colleagues from the institute handed in papers.
Fortunately for us, almost all of them were accepted — including a presentation on the motivation of members of academic advisory panels which I give together with a colleague. The timeframe for the presentation was very tight: 15 minutes discussion and 15 minutes for debate. After our presentations, we all went out together and enjoyed a bit of Vienna’s nightlife — good opportunity to get to know some people a bit better. Or worse.
And, before a few more quite hectic weeks are coming up, I am able to enjoy some more days in Vienna and Austria. Seems that my old reflexes are still working: Whenever there’s a conference in a nice spot, I suture some extra days. That’s part of the bright side of academia.