Towards year’s end, there’s another publication out and about. It’s a literature review I have co-authored with Peer Pasternack, the director of the HoF-Institute, on science communication. Not a bit thing by any standard, just a run-of-the-mill overview of what seems to be the consensus and what the divergent opinions in the research on science communication. All that spiced with one or two of our own cents of wisdom.
What is noteworthy, though, is that my publication portfolio (Do I have such a thing? Or is it just a list?) not only grows, but widens. Who would have thought that I would one day publish in a rather glossy magazine-style journal geared towards managers of higher education institutions (HEIs); and with a piece on communication research?
Mr Pasternack and I had the article ready a year ago, but as issue 2/2019 only saw the light of day at the end of 2020, it is only now that I smugly point to that article. It is titled “Between Public Relations and Crisis Communication” and was published in Wissenschaftsmanagement. Unfortunately, the article is not freely accessible, but the journal’s ToC is available here.
If you are interested in the article, you can also contact me directly and we’ll … well … manage that.